B Corp Certification

B The Change

Make business a force for good. There is no Planet B. The non-profit B Lab was established in 2006 and started the B Corp movement. B Corps are an international network of organisatons dedicated to lead economic system change to support a vsion of an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy.

B part of a global movement transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities and the planet.

Certified B Corporations (or B Corps) are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Balance profit and purpose.

B Corp certification takes a holistic approach to measuring the positive impact your business has on its stakeholders: workers, community, customers and the environment.

B Corp Certification Requirements

1. Performance requirement: achieve 80+ verified score in the B Impact Assessment

2. Legal accountability: All businesses need to adopt a legal framework to embed purpose and consider all stakeholders.

3. Transparency: Once certified, you agree to make your B Impact Score transparent on the B Corp Directory.

B Corp Certification is more than a badge.

  • It is a community
  • It is a commitment to improve your environmental and social impact
  • It is a roadmap to using business as a force for good
  • It is a movement

Why should my organisation become B Corp certified?

  • Set oneself apart from imposters
  • Reconnect and articulate your core values to gain clarity and direction for your business.
  • Benchmark performance
  • Attract and retain talent
  • Partner with peers around the world and gain new insights and perspectives to help make a positive impact on a global scale.
  • Join a community of leaders. Over 6000 companies globally, across over 85 countries, with 670 companies in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand B Corp certified.

How does B Corp certification add value to my business?

  • Strategy: Impact roadmap and community. Future proof and readiness.
  • Credibility: Certification based on continuous improvement. Gives credibility and confidence.
  • Investors: attract aligned investors and grow ESG investors.
  • Partners: drive behaviour change and join a global movement
  • Customers: earn trust and loyalty of conscious consumers
  • Workers: attract and retain staff. Engage staff as change agents.

B Consultants are experienced consultants who have been trained in using the B Impact Assessment tool to improve impact, and lead companies through the B Corp certification process, supported by members of the B Lab Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand team.

Ready to join the movement?

B Corp Certification is not merely a badge; it’s a commitment to a new era of responsible business.

Let’s be the change we wish to see in the business world, where profit is not the sole metric of success but a vehicle for positive transformation.

Would you like to get started on the road to B Corp Certification?
Download our 7 Tips and Tricks and learn more.

Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call today, learn more about our framework,
and explore if your business is ready for B Corp Certification.

Let’s work together for a better world where business works for the greater good of people and the planet.